Friday, July 29, 2016


Tulasana is also known as "Tolasana', "Dolasana" and 'Utthita Padmasana". The name Tulasana is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Tula' which means balance. Hence Tulasana is a balance pose. The complete body weight hangs on shoulders or it looks as if the body is hanging on the hands and for this it is also named as "Dolasana" or "Utthita Padmasana". From Padmasana the practitioner with the hands placed either side of the hips raises the entire torso, legs and feet balancing on the arms and shoulders. 

How To Do Tulasana 

  • Sit down on the ground in the Padmasana pose.
  • Rest the palms on the ground keeping both hands at the sides.
  • Breathe in deeply and hold the breath.
  • Supporting the weight of the body on the hands, lift the whole body locked in Padmasana, above the floor.
  • Lift it upwards as much as possible while holding the breath.
  • Hold the position as long as you can hold your breath.
  • Slowly return back to the former position. Relax for few minutes and repeat it again.

Benefits of Tulasana

  • It strengthens your arms, wrists and upper body region.
  • It makes your shoulders strong.
  • It relaxes the muscles and calms the mind.
  • It increases the sense of balance.
  • It includes tightening of the abs and subsequently, brings about a rigid stomach.
  • The muscles of your midriff (abdomen) are pulled up tight and thus, your lungs show signs of improvement supply of oxygen as you inhale profoundly.
  • While fortifying your abs, it likewise gives an interior incitement to the internal organs.
  • In totality, Tolasana enhances the feeling of equalization of your body and has a quieting impact on your entire personality and framework.
  • In Tolasana, you have to utilize your eyes for centered consideration. This evacuates basic imperfections of your eyes.

Cautions for Tulasana 

  • Those suffering from heart ailments, having weak wrists and shoulder should not practice this asana. The asana should not be practiced with current or recent shoulder or wrist injuries. 

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Trikonasana(Triangle Pose)

How To Do Trikonasana

  • Stand straight on a flat and firm ground.
  • Stretch your legs outwards, maintaining a distance of 2½ feet.
  • Now, move your left foot outwards, at an angel of about 90 degrees.
  • Bring the right foot inwards, at an angel of about 45 degrees.
  • Start inhaling and raise your arms till the time they are parallel to the ground.
  • Now, as your start exhaling, turn your head towards the left.
  • Focus your gaze down your left arm, towards the stretched out fingers and ensure that your left knee is in alignment with the left ankle.
  • Take a deep breath and start stretching your body towards the left side, lowering the left hip and raising the right one, as far as you feel comfortable.
  • Now, spin around your arms. You need to let your left hand go down, coming to rest on the floor, along with left foot. As for the right hand, it should be pointing straight up.
  • Turn around in a way that your gaze focuses on the right hand.
  • Stay in the position for 1-2 minutes, while taking deep breaths.
  • Exhale once more and slowly start lowering your arms.
  • Bring your hands to rest on your hips.
  • Now, turning on your heels, bring your feet in front, once again.
  • Repeat the asana with the right leg.

Benefits of Trikonasana

  • This asana is good to burn fat. Therefore, it is recommended to person who is facing the conditions of weight and obesity.
  • It is good for your backache
  • This Yoga pose is recommended for growing children to increase their height.
  • Triangle pose helps to strengthen your legs, knees and ankles.
  • Good for your digestion
  • It may be used for stress management.
  • Triangle pose helps to expand your chest and shoulders.
  • It ensures mobility of hip joints and neck and give proper stretch to your spine.
  • It strengthens the muscles in the thighs, hips and back.
  • It provides stamina, balance, energy and develops focus.


  • Low or High blood pressure patient should not practice trikonasana.
  • Those suffering from back and spinal injuries should not perform trikonasana.
  • Practice under expert guidance and consult a doctor before practice asana. Especially pregnant women if there are any complications.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Dandasana(Staff Pose)

How To Do Dandasana

  • Sit on the ground with back straight and legs extended 
  • come in front of you. Your legs and feet ought to be hip breadth apart and parallel.
  • Press the sitting bones within the floor and purpose the crown of your head to the ceiling to lengthen and straighten the spine.
  • Flexing your feet, press out through your heels.
  • Keep your palms on the ground adjacent to your hips for supporting your spine and quiet your shoulders down. Keep your body part straight however relaxed.
  • Ground your lower half firmly to the ground by relaxing the legs.
  • Hold this pose for twenty to thirty seconds.

The Benefits of Staff Pose:

  • Helps improve posture
  • Strengthens back muscles
  • Lengthens and stretches the spine
  • May help to relieve complications related to the reproductive organs
  • Stretches shoulders and chest
  • Nourishes your body’s resistance to back and hip injuries
  • Helps to calm brain cells
  • May improve functionality of the digestive organs
  • Creates body awareness
  • Helps improve alignment of body
  • Provides a mild stretch for hamstrings


Do not practice this pose if you have a wrist or low back injury. Always work within your own range of limits and abilities. If you have any medical concerns, talk with your doctor before practicing yoga.

Modification to the exercise:

 Stretch the upper body in this pose, alter the pose as follows: interlacing the fingers, stretch out your arms forward, parallel to the floor. The palms should face away from you with thumbs in downward direction. Now inhale and raise the arms upward till they reach slightly behind the ears. Shoulders should be relaxed. This helps in opening up the chest and stretches the front of the abdomen.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Simhasana(Lion Pose)

How To Do Simhasana

The lion pose is pretty simple to execute. Although there may be a number of steps, this pose really requires very little effort.The lion pose steps are as follows:

  • Sit with your legs folded under you so that your toes are pointing straight behind and you are sitting on your heels.
  • Keep your spine straight but as relaxed as possible.
  • Close your eyes and look to your third eye. (The third eye is a symbolic eye in the center of the forehead. In ancient India, it was assumed that the pituitary gland was located here, although now we know differently.)
  • Closing your mouth, touch your palette with your tongue.
  • Inhale a deep breath through your nose while your tongue is still touching your palette.
  • Exhale in one violent move while sticking out your tongue and opening your jaws as much as possible. Also, your arms should be thrown out and stretched with your fingers splayed.
  • Roar at the top of your voice while exhaling. The roar should be with a “Haa” sound and should not be a long drawn out one. Rather, it should be one violent explosion of breath that empties your lungs in the shortest time possible.
  • Hold this pose for between 20 and 30 seconds.
  • Do not inhale immediately after this pose; inhale after the specified 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Repeat 5 or 6 times

Benefits of Simhasana (Lion Pose)

The Simhasana benefits the face and also the throat, that isn’t typically benefited in other yoga posture.

  • Best exercise for face, eyes, tongue and throat.
  • Clears the Vocal chords.
  • Properly opens the Respiratory tract.
  • Strengthens Fingers and hands.
  • Prevents soreness of the throat.
  • Useful for tonsils, thyroid and other problems related to throat.
  • Beneficial in unclear pronunciation and in ear problem.
  • Best pose for those children who lisp.
  • It cures bad breathe.
  • Helpful for improving the tone of the voice.
  • Give relief in back pain.


The Lion Pose is basically a stress reliever and can be practiced at anytime and by anybody. There are usually no problems associated with practicing this pose because it does not require any complicated maneuvering of the body. However, if you suffer from any chronic illnesses or physical problems, it is best that you have a discussion with your doctor before you attempt any yoga posture.


Since the Simhasana is such an easy pose, there are not too many variations. However, since the focus is on relaxation, different people make slight variations to the way they perform the pose. Listed below are some of the variations for lion pose.

Variation 1: Some people like to sit with their ankles crossed, so that you sit on one heel instead of two.
Variation 2: As you are supposed to sit completely relaxed and because the most relaxed position while holding this sitting position is to have your hands on your knees, many people do that and just splay their fingers while exhaling.
Variation 3: Some use the same pose, but laugh instead of roar in order to reduce stress.
Variation 4: Instead of closing the eyes and looking to the third eye, this pose is sometimes held with the eyes open and looking to the tip of the nose.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Balasana(Child's Pose)

How To Do Balasana (Child’s Pose)

  • To start the asana first sit on knees with buttocks touching on your heels.
  • Place your hand on thighs and palms down. Maintain the position of thighs as shown in the above image.
  • While exhaling slowly bring your chest between your knees and swinging hands forward as shown in the above image.
  • Breathe gently and hold the posture for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • After this inhale slowly and  return to starting position.
  • Repeat this asana for 5 to 10 times.

The Benefits of Balasana

  • Releases tension in the back, shoulders and chest
  • Recommended if you have dizziness or fatigue
  • Helps alleviate stress and anxiety
  • Flexes the body’s internal organs and keeps them supple
  • It lengthens and stretches the spine
  • Relieves neck and lower back pain when performed with the head and torso supported
  • It gently stretches the hips, thighs and ankles
  • Normalizes circulation throughout the body
  • It stretches muscles, tendons and ligaments in the knee
  • Calms the mind and body
  • Encourages strong and steady breathing

Precautions for Balasana

  • You can use pillows under your forehead if it is difficult to place on the floor.
  • If suffering from knees injuries or diarrhea should not do this asana.
  • Those suffering from high blood pressure should not practice

Modification and Variation

Modifications: A) Place a blanket under the hips, knees and/or head. B) If pregnant, spread the knees wide apart to remove any pressure on the abdomen.

Variations: Open the knees wider to slide the arms between the legs reaching under the body and turn the head to the side.

Garudasana (Egle Pose)

How To Do Garudasana

  • Begin in mountain pose.
  • Inhale when raising the arms up to shoulder level with palms facing up. Arms and shoulders should be relaxed.
  • Cross left arm over the right so that the elbows rest on top of each other.
  • Bend your elbows, wrapping our forearms around each other with palms facing each other. Your fingers should point to the ceiling. If the palms do not touch, keeps one palm resting against the other wrist or forearm.
  • Slightly bend the knees and shift your body weight to the other leg.
  • Cross right leg over the left just above the knee.
  • Place the right foot behind your left lower leg and hook the foot over the left calf or ankle. If you are unable to reach the left calf, place the right foot next to left lower leg.
  • The crown of your head should be pointed toward the ceiling and look straight ahead. Imagine the spine running straight through the body.
  • Remain in this pose for 30 to 60 seconds and then come back to mountain pose.
  • Repeat steps from 2 to 9 with the opposite arm and leg crossing over in steps 3 and 6.

The Benefits Of Garudasana

  • This asana helps to stretch the thighs, hips, upper back, and shoulders.
  • It helps you focus and also improves your ability to balance.
  • The calf muscles get strengthened with this asana.
  • It also helps to relieve pain associated with rheumatism and sciatica.
  • It helps to make the back, legs, and hips more flexible.
  • This asana also works as a stress buster.

Precautions And Contraindications

  • It is best to avoid this asana if you have had a recent ankle, knee, or elbow injury.
  • Pregnant women must seek medical consent before they practice this asana.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Matsyasana(fish Pose)

How To Do The Matsyasana

  • Lie flat on your back, making sure your legs are together, and your hands are placed comfortably beside your body.
  • Place your palms under your hips such that the palms are facing the ground. Now, bring the elbows closer to each other, placing them close to your waist.
  • Cross your legs such that your feet cross each other at your middle, and your thighs and knees are placed flat on the floor.
  • Breathe in and lift your chest up such that your head is also lifted, and your crown touches the floor.
  • Make sure the weight of your body is on your elbows and not on your head. As your chest is lifted, lightly pressurize your shoulder blades.
  • Hold the position only until you are comfortable. Breathe normally.
  • Exhale and release the position, lifting your head first, and then dropping your chest to the ground. Untangle your legs and relax.

Benefits of Matsyasana

  • Opens your pectoralis muscles of your chest, the intercostal muscles between your ribs, and upper portion of psoas muscles in your hips.
  • Improves the quality of your breath by opening the accessory muscles of breathing.
  • Opens muscles in your abdomen and in the front of your neck.
  • Relieves thoracic and mid back spinal tension.
  • Strengthens musculature in your back and neck.
  • Traditionally thought to sitmulate organs in the abdomen and throat.


  • It is best to avoid this pose if you suffer from high or low blood pressure.
  • Also, patients with insomnia and migraine are asked to abstain from the Fish Pose.
  • If you have had a back injury, it is strongly recommended that you avoid this asana

Friday, July 15, 2016

Mayurasana( Peacock Pose)

How To Do Mayurasana

  • Place your hands on the floor between the knees with the palms down, fingertips pointing back towards the feet. Keep the hands touching together.
  • Bring your elbows together and place them on the abdomen. Try to keep the elbows close together throughout the pose.
  • Place your forehead on the mat in front of you.
  • Straighten out both legs behind you. The body is now resting on the head, hands and feet.
  • Lift your head.
  • Keep the head up, gradually shift the weight of your body forward and as you do this lift the feet. The body should be parallel to the floor. In the beginning it is easier to lift each foot one at a time until you get the feeling for shifting the body weight forward and build up strength in the arms.
  • In the beginning, hold the posture for 10 seconds, gradually working up to 30 seconds or more.

Benefits Of Mayurasana

  • It detoxifies the body and also helps to get rid of tumors and fevers.
  • It helps tone the digestive organs and increases blood circulation in the abdominal area, therefore making it stronger.
  • This asana energizes the pancreas, stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys, and intestines.
  • It also helps fight diabetes and piles.
  • This asana strengthens and tones the reproductive system, therefore reducing all menstrual and menopause dysfunctions. It also improves sexual activity.
  • It helps to make the shoulders, elbows, wrist, and spine stronger.
  • It helps improve posture.
  • This asana calms the mind and reduces stress and anxiety.
  • It improves concentration as well as coordination between the mind and the body.


1. It is best to avoid this asana if you have an injury in your wrist, shoulder or       elbow.
2. Avoid this asana in case you have the following conditions:
  • Heart diseases
  • Hernia
  • High blood pressure
  • Eye, ear, and nose infections
  • Problems in the intestine
  • Brain tumor
  • Menstruation
  • Pregnancy
3. This asana is said to detoxify your system and release toxins. If you feel             unwell during the pose, release the asana immediately.

Sarvangasana(Shoulder stand)

How to do Sarvangasana

  • Lie down in the supine position or lying on your stomach.
  • Raise your legs slowly upward and bring it to 90° angle.
  • Bring the legs towards head by raising the buttocks up.
  • Raise the legs; abdomen and chest try to form a straight line.
  • Place the palms on your back for support.
  • Place the chin against the chest.
  • Maintain the position as long as comfortable.
  • Try to maintain the pose up to 30 seconds or more.
  • Slowly return back to the original position.
  • While doing this, first lower the buttocks with hands supporting the back and slowly come to the surface or in the original position.
  • Perform it twice or thrice.

Benefits of Sarvangasana

1. Improved Digestion. The change in gravity helps the bowels move freely which aids digestion significantly.

2. Less Strain on the Heart. Since you are lying in an inverted position, the heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood to various parts of the body.

3. Stronger Immune System. The lymphatic system is responsible for immune system response among other functions. The lymph is similar to blood in that it depends on gravity for movement. So, by staying inverted, the lymphatic system gets stimulated and boosts your immune system response.

4. Relieves Common Cold. Since you create a firm chinlock when practicing Sarvangasana and the head stays firm in this inverted position, the blood supply to the head gets regulated and this helps relieve nasal congestions and headaches.

5. Increased Self-Confidence. Although I can’t say my self-confidence has gone up just from practicing Sarvangasana alone, practicing it every day is supposed to help you feel alive and confident.

6. Benefits your Nervous System. In Iyengar’s own words, “Due to the soothing effect of the pose on the nerves, those suffering from irritation, shortness of temper, nervous breakdown and insomnia are relieved.”

7. Strengthens your Upper Body. In addition to all the internal benefits for the body from practicing Sarvangasana, the physical benefits includes strengthening of the neck, upper back and shoulders.

Warning :

  • The pregnant ladies can do this asana up to their third month.
  • If you get yawn, sneeze, cough at the time of practicing this asana you must do that after bringing your legs down. Otherwise you will get pain at neck, chest, and ears. While doing this asana don’t swallow saliva.

Gomukhasana(Cow face Pose)

How to do Gomukhasana

  • Sit and stretch both legs together in front, hands by the side, palm resting on the ground, fingers of the hands together.
  • Bending your left leg, bring its heel under the right thigh, close to right hip
  • Bend your right leg over the left knee and let your right heel come close to left hipi Your right knee should be positioned directly above the left knee
  • Place your palms on the feet
  • Press the sitting bones in the floor and point the crown of the head to the ceiling
  • Bend the left elbowo
  • Bring your left forearm behind your back
  • Position the back of the left hand in the middle of your back, close to shoulder bladese The left forearm and the fingers of the left hand should point upward
  • Inhale while extending the right arm over you head
  • Bending the right elbow, keep your right elbow between the shoulder bladese The right palm should face your back and the fingers of the right hand should be pointed downward
  • Clasp the fingers of the left hand with the right hand
  • Pull your shoulders away from each other to experience the stretch in the shoulders and opening up of chest
  • Remain in this pose from 10 seconds upto half minute before releasing the hands to returning to normal position

                        Benefits of Gomukhasana

                        • Stretches your hips, thighs, ankles and chest, shoulders, anterior deltoids, triceps, inner armpits and lats.
                        • Gomukhasana helps induce relaxation. When you feel tired, tense or worried, practicing Gomukhasana will help release the tension.
                        • Gomukhasana stimulates the kidneys.
                        • Gomukhasana is helpful in relieving ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure, and sexual malfunction.
                        • While practicing Gomukhasana the muscles of the lower back, buttocks and the knees are properly stretched so Gomukhasana is beneficial in backache, sciatica and rheumatism.
                        • Pelvic and reproductive organs are toned and massaged by regular practice of Gomukhasana.
                        Modification for Tight Hips or Knees Pain or Lower Back Pain
                        • Sit on height to allow your pelvis to tilt forward, increase the natural curve in your low back, and allow your hips to open.
                        • If you are having difficulty crossing the legs tightly, place the foot of your top leg flat on the floor as in Marichyasana Pose, either in front of the shin, or beside the thigh.
                        • You may also practice the arms alone with the legs in Sukhasana (easy cross legged pose).


                        • Rotator Cuff Injury – Do not take your bottom arm behind your back, or only take your arm within the pain free range of motion.
                        • Knee Injury / Pain – Do not cross the thighs as deeply if it causes pain (follow modifications above).
                        • Low Back Pain / Tension in the Pose – Sit on the edge of a cushion to tilt pelvis forward, or decrease the depth of your arms in the pose (see modifications above).
                        • Neck pain – Avoid raising the top arm overhead, instead take both arms behind the back with elbows bent, grasping the opposite forearm. Walk your hands along the forearm towards the elbow to deepen the pose.

                        Thursday, July 14, 2016

                        Vakrasana(Twisted Pose)

                        How To Do Vakrasana (Twisted Pose)

                        • Sit on the carpet, stretch the legs straight.
                        • Fold the right leg. Keeps the right leg’s heel touching the left leg’s knee.
                        • Take the right hand to back of the waist twisting your trunk, spread in palms and place it on the carpet.
                        • Bring the left hand close to right knee and hold the right leg’s ankle or big toe with the left hand.
                        • Twist the head and shoulder to right side and look straight to the right shoulder’s side (i.e back side).
                        • Stay in the pose up to 30 counts breathing normally.
                        • Turn the head to the front, release hands holding the right leg’s ankle or big toe, stretch the legs, keep the palm on the carpet in a relaxed manner and take rest for 10 second

                        Benefits of Vakrasana

                        • Vakrasana cures constipation, liver weakness and nervous weakness.
                        • The asana reduces rigidity in the spine
                        • Very useful for kidneys and other stomach diseases
                        • Kundalini shakthi is sublimated
                        • The asana reduced back aches
                        • The spine attains elasticity
                        • Flab on the lateral side of the abdomen gets reduced

                        Caution :

                        Those people with big belly may feel it difficult to place the hand to the other side of the knee. They are suggested to place the hand on the knee or keep it wherever it is, if it is not possible to place it on the ground.

                        Tuesday, July 12, 2016

                        salbhasana(Locust Pose)

                        How To Do Salbhasana

                        • First step, you need to lie down on the floor on your belly and place your chin on the floor.
                        • Place your toes on the floor, touch the knees to the ground.
                        • Place your hands below the hips on the ground below your hips in a way that your palms rest on the ground.
                        • While inhaling lift up your head, upper body, thighs and legs off the floor.
                        • Raise your leg as high as possible, hold your breath and remain in this position resting your body on your belly.
                        • You could also use blankets folded below your thighs if you are not able to maintain balance. This will give you support.
                        • Exhale and return to the starting position.
                        • Repeat this asana 10 times.

                        Benefits of Salbhasana

                        • The parasympathetic nerves are particularly prominent in the regions of the neck and pelvis.
                        • It stimulates the whole autonomic nervous system, especially the parasympathetic outflow.
                        • It strengthens the lower back and pelvic organs, and tones the sciatic nerves, providing relief for those with conditions such as backache, mild sciatica and slipped disc as long as the condition is not serious.
                        • It tones and balances the functioning of the liver and other abdominal organs, alleviates diseases of the stomach and bowels, and stimulates the appetite.


                        Practice with caution if there is slipped disc or any other severe spinal problems. Any recent abdominal surgery, hernia or prolapse. Pregnancy or menstruation.

                        Monday, July 11, 2016


                        How To Do Paschimottanasana

                        • Sit up with the legs stretched out straight in front of you on the floor.
                        • Keep the spine erect and toes flexed towards you.
                        • Bring your respiration to normal.
                        • Breathing in, slowly raise your both the arms straight above your head and stretch up.
                        • Slowly breathe out and bend forward from the hip joint, chin moving toward the toes keeping the spine erect.
                        • Place your hands on your legs, wherever they reach, without putting much effort.
                        • If possible hold of your toes and pull on them to help you go forward.
                        • Stay in this position as long as possible.
                        • After the exertion limit reached inhale and raise up stretching up your arms straight above your head.
                        • Breathe out and bring your arms down placing the palms on the ground.
                        • Relax for a while and try to feel the changes occurred in the body.

                        Benefits of Paschimottanasana

                        • While practicing this Paschimottanasana the intestines, gall bladder are smoothly pressed and stimulates well.
                        • The soul energy of the body will be strengthening by spinal cord, spinal nerves are pulled during the time of asana.
                        • It prevents diabetes. It increases the fertility factor of male removes the infertility.
                        • Stomach pain, headache, piles, hip pain, back pain and body weakness are cured by doing this asana.
                        • The menstrual problem will be cured for the ladies. Hip bones will become strengthen.
                        • For women can do this asana before marriage can give birth from normal delivery by strengthening their bones and inner reproductive organs.
                        • This asana helps to increase the concentration capacity.


                        • People who suffer from slipped disc or sciatica should not practice this asana or those who have had recent abdominal surgery.

                        Padmasana( Lotus Pose)

                        How To Do Padmasana(Lotus Pose)

                        • Sit on the carpet stretching the both legs.
                        • Then fold the right leg and rest the heel on the left thigh.
                        • In the same way fold the left leg and rest the heel on the right thigh close to abdomen.
                        • Sit straight (erect) without bending the spine. Palms turned up in “Chin Mudra” with your index finger touching the thumb and place the wrist without bending the elbows straight on knees.
                        • Close your eyes and count from 50 to 0. ( i.e. Descending Order)

                        Benefits of Padmasana

                        • This asana is the base  for all asanas and it strengthens the hip and knee joints of the female and can get painless peaceful mind.
                        • The unwanted fat will be reduced in hip and the thigh.
                        • It stretches the spine.
                        • This is the easiest asana which can be done by all the age group of men and women they can get benefits of all asana.
                        • Padmasana is the highly preferred asanas by yoga practitioner for increase the focus of mind and concentration.
                        • It helps Calms the brain.
                        • It increase the hungry
                        • Helps to relax the body
                        • It stretches the ankles and knees
                        • Helps to stimulate the abdomen, spine and bladder

                        Points to Remember
                        • Other yoga poses must be practiced after doing padmasana or lotus pose.
                        • Men have to fold their right leg first. Women have to fold their left leg first

                        Saturday, July 9, 2016

                        parvatasana ( Mountain Pose)

                        Parvata" means "mountain" in Sanskrit. As the arms are raised high and the fingers are joined together above the head in this posture, the body resembles mountain peak and hence the name.

                        How To Do Pravatasana( Mountain Pose)


                        • Sit on the ground with your head and spine erect. Extend your legs forward such that your knees and heels are placed together. With the help of your hands, place your right foot on the left thigh and then your left foot on the right thigh. Try to touch the knees to the ground and turn the soles of your feet upwards. See the Lotus Posture (Padmasana) for more details.
                        • Bring your palms together overlapping the fingers of your hands. Starting at the chest level, extend your arms slowly upwards along the central vertical axis of the body till they are over your head. Ensure that your arms touch your ears and are not bent at the elbows. Ascertain that your upper body is fully but comfortably stretched from the hips to the fingers.
                        • Remain in this final posture breathing deeply and uniformly with your eyes closed for about 1-2 minutes (in the early stages) or your breakpoint*. Increase this time gradually.
                        • Repeat the above steps except that you place your left foot on the right thigh and then your right foot on the left thigh. This will ensure that both legs are built uniformly.

                        Instead of forming a finger lock, both palms may be joined together with the fingers well stretched out above the head. 

                        Benefits of Parvatasana / Mountain Pose

                        • Parvatasana stretches the spine. It helps practitioners below 18 years to gain some height.
                        • The stretch in this pose reduces extra fat in the back and waist.
                        • It tones the abdominal muscles and hence stimulates the inner organs in the abdominal region.
                        • It sets right respiratory disorders including asthma.
                        • As you stretch your arms straight, your triceps and biceps receive good work out.
                        • It helps to reduce back pain.
                        • It improves the ability to stay focused.

                        Precautions :

                        • Those, who cannot practice Padmasana, can practice it in standing, stretched legs or Vajrasana.
                        • Those having complaints of reeling sensation should not practice it.

                        Friday, July 8, 2016

                        Savasana(Corpse Pose)

                        How To Do Savasana (Corpse Pose)

                        • Lie flat on the floor, ensuring that there will be no disturbance for the duration of the pose. Make sure you are comfortable, but don’t use any pillows or cushions. It will be best if you lie on a hard surface.
                        • Close your eyes.
                        • Place your legs such that they are comfortably apart. Make sure your legs relax completely and your toes are facing side wards.
                        • Your arms must be placed along your body and slightly apart, leaving your palms open and facing upwards.
                        • Now, slowly draw attention to every area of your body, starting from your toes. As you do this, breathe slowly, yet deeply, setting your body in a state of deep relaxation. Do not fall asleep in the process.
                        • Breathe slowly, yet deeply. This will impart complete relaxation. As you breathe in, your body will be energized, and as you breathe out, your body will calm down. Focus on yourself and your body, forgetting all other tasks. Let go and surrender! But make sure you don’t doze off.
                        • In about 10 to 12 minutes, when your body feels relaxed and refreshed, roll to one side, keeping your eyes closed. Stay in the position for a minute, until you sit up in Sukhasana.
                        • Take a few deep breaths and gain awareness of your surroundings before you open your eyes again.

                        The Benefits of Savasana

                        • Savasana helps relieve mild depression, high blood pressure, headaches, fatigue, and insomnia, according to Yoga Journal.
                        • Savasana can calm the nervous system and promote equanimity in your entire body. Fatigued muscles get to relax, tense shoulders and jaws soften, and the eyes quiet down to reflect a quieter state of mind.

                        Tuesday, July 5, 2016

                        Halasana(Plow Pose)

                        How To Do The Halasana

                        • Lie flat on your back, with your arms placed beside your body and your palms facing downwards.
                        • Inhale, and lift your feet off the ground using your abdominal muscles. Your legs should be at a 90-degree angle.
                        • Use your hands to support your hips and lift them off the floor.
                        • Bring your feet in an 180-degree angle, such that your toes are placed over and beyond your head.
                        • Make sure your back is perpendicular to the ground.
                        • Hold the position for a minute while focusing on your breathing. Exhale, and gently bring down your legs. Avoid jerking your legs while releasing the pose.

                        Benefits of Halasana (Plow Pose)

                        • Improves digestion and appetite.
                        • Effective in Weight Loss.
                        • Strengthens the abdominal muscles.
                        • Beneficial for diabetic people. ...
                        • It helps to make spinal cord strong and flexible.
                        • Cures the symptoms of menopause.
                        • It helps to reduce stress.


                        • It must be practiced under guidance of experienced yoga teacher.
                        • Women during menstrual periods should avoid halasana.
                        • Blood Pressure, Cirvical and Spinal Cord patients should not do it without doctor’s advise.

                        Monday, July 4, 2016

                        Dhanurasana(Bow Pose)

                        How to do Dhanurasa(  Bow Pose)

                        • Lie flat on your stomach, keeping your feet hip-width apart and your arms beside your body.
                        • Now, gently fold your knees and hold your ankles.
                        • Inhale, and lift your chest and legs off the ground. Pull your legs back.
                        • Look straight and keep your face stress-free. A smile should help.
                        • Hold the pose as you concentrate on breathing. Your body should be as taut as a bow.
                        • As you get comfortable in the pose, breathe long and deep.
                        • About 15-20 seconds later, exhale and release the pose.

                        Benefits of Dhanurasana ( Bow Pose)

                        • It improves the strength of the back and the lower abdominal muscles.
                        • It gives a good stretch to the shoulders, hands, thorax, thighs and the legs.
                        • It massages the abdomen and internal organs.
                        • It improves digestion.
                        • It massages the pancreas and is good for diabetic patients.
                        • It expands the chest and corrects stooping of the back and shoulders.
                        Precautions & Contraindications:

                         Should be completely avoided if you are suffering from diseases of the backbone. If there is recent abdominal surgery, hernia or ulcer in the stomach this posture should be avoided. Must be avoided if suffering T.B. Pregnancy and menstruation.

                        Saturday, July 2, 2016


                        How to do sirsasana

                        Here are ten simple and easy steps are being enumerated to raise the body into the final pose and how to become mastered for headstand yoga. Once this is achieved then staying in the final pose is little difficulty.

                        • Interlock the fingers tightly, palms forming a cup.
                        • Place the head on the formed cup so that the crown of the head touches the palms.
                        • Raise the knees from the floor by pulling the toes towards the head. Slowly raise your legs upwards from the floor.
                        • After the body gets properly balanced in this position, gradually and slowly straighten the legs.
                        • Take care that you maintain equilibrium and you don’t fall backwards
                        • Make sure that the spine and thighs are in line, straight and vertical.
                        • Relax the whole body as much as possible.
                        • Close the eyes
                        • Breathe slowly and deeply.
                        • This is the final pose of sirsasana. Stay in the final pose for a comfortable length of time.  Come back by flexing the knees and sliding them down to the floor in reverse order.

                        Top benefits of Sirsasana

                        • Sirsasana supplies an enriched oxygenated blood to the brain cells thus provide nourishment to the billions of brain cells.
                        • It helps to rejuvenate, revitalize and increases the effectiveness of brain cells.
                        • It induces calmness thus prevents headache and migraine.
                        • It controls various types of glandular and nervous disorders related with pituitary glands.
                        • The pose has a significant positive influence in relieving diabetes. It acts directly on the pituitary gland by improving the blood supply thus has been great help in combating diabetes.
                        • It is extremely beneficial in combating sexual disorders such as prostrate problems hydrocele, leucorrhea, spermatorrhea, and all general menopausal and menstrual ailments.
                        • It acts upon the thyroid gland and helps to balance the metabolic functions.
                        • It improves the functions of the sensory organs by ensuring adequate supply of blood to these organs.
                        • The conditions like myopia, astigmatism and catarrh and general bad hearing are found to be improved by regular practice of it.
                        • It allows an oxygen rich flow of blood to the facial skin thus improves the facial complexion.
                        • It is good to prevent hair fall, baldness and greying of hair by supplying enriched blood and nutrients to the scalp region.
                        • People suffering from loss of sleep, memory and vitality have recovered by the regular practice of this asana.

                        Friday, July 1, 2016

                        Bhujangasana or Cobra pose

                        How to do Bhujangasana.

                        • Lie on your stomach with your toes flat on the floor and forehead resting on the ground.
                        • Keep your legs close together, with your feet and heels lightly touching each other.
                        • Place your hands (palms downwards) under your shoulders, keeping your elbows parallel and close to your torso. 
                        • Taking a deep breath in, slowly lift your head, chest and abdomen while keeping your navel on the floor.
                        • Pull your torso back and off the floor with the support of your hands.
                        • Checkpoint: Are you putting equal pressure on both the palms?
                        • Keep breathing with awareness, as you curve your spine vertebra by vertebra. If possible, straighten your arms by arching your back as much as possible; tilt your head back and look up.
                        • Checkpoint: Are your shoulders away from your ears? Keep your shoulders relaxed, even if it means bending your elbows. With regular practice, you will be able to deepen the stretch by straightening the elbows.
                        • Ensure that your feet are still close together. Keep smiling and breathing. Smiling Cobras!
                        • Don’t overdo the stretch or overstrain yourself. 

                        Benefits of Bhujangasana

                        Strengthens your spine: Since the snake pose in yoga is helpful in offering a good stretch to your back, it is very helpful in strengthening your spine. It is designed in such a way that your lower and upper back is stretched. But if you suffer from chronic back pain, it is recommended to consult a doctor to make sure that you don’t have any contraindication.

                        Stimulates abdominal organs: Bhujangasana benefits are not limited to physical benefits, but it is extended to physiological effects as well. Bhujangasana is very useful for people who suffer from digestive disturbances. The stretching pose helps in giving a gentle massage to the internal organs and will stimulate the digestive system to function well. 

                        Reduces belly fat: Even though we claim that we practise yoga for a perfect living, all beauty freaks secretly admire the beauty benefits of yoga. Snake pose in yoga is considered to be one of the best asanas for getting a flat belly. Bhujangasana benefits are extended to your beauty because of the stretching of the abdominal muscles. 

                        Improves circulation: Good blood circulation is the primary requirement to stay energetic and active. One of the major Bhujangasana benefits is that it helps in improving blood circulation. Once you have proper blood circulation, your body cells will be supplied with enough nutrients and oxygen. Improved blood circulation will also help in keeping the hormone balance.