Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Dandasana(Staff Pose)

How To Do Dandasana

  • Sit on the ground with back straight and legs extended 
  • come in front of you. Your legs and feet ought to be hip breadth apart and parallel.
  • Press the sitting bones within the floor and purpose the crown of your head to the ceiling to lengthen and straighten the spine.
  • Flexing your feet, press out through your heels.
  • Keep your palms on the ground adjacent to your hips for supporting your spine and quiet your shoulders down. Keep your body part straight however relaxed.
  • Ground your lower half firmly to the ground by relaxing the legs.
  • Hold this pose for twenty to thirty seconds.

The Benefits of Staff Pose:

  • Helps improve posture
  • Strengthens back muscles
  • Lengthens and stretches the spine
  • May help to relieve complications related to the reproductive organs
  • Stretches shoulders and chest
  • Nourishes your body’s resistance to back and hip injuries
  • Helps to calm brain cells
  • May improve functionality of the digestive organs
  • Creates body awareness
  • Helps improve alignment of body
  • Provides a mild stretch for hamstrings


Do not practice this pose if you have a wrist or low back injury. Always work within your own range of limits and abilities. If you have any medical concerns, talk with your doctor before practicing yoga.

Modification to the exercise:

 Stretch the upper body in this pose, alter the pose as follows: interlacing the fingers, stretch out your arms forward, parallel to the floor. The palms should face away from you with thumbs in downward direction. Now inhale and raise the arms upward till they reach slightly behind the ears. Shoulders should be relaxed. This helps in opening up the chest and stretches the front of the abdomen.

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