Monday, July 18, 2016

Matsyasana(fish Pose)

How To Do The Matsyasana

  • Lie flat on your back, making sure your legs are together, and your hands are placed comfortably beside your body.
  • Place your palms under your hips such that the palms are facing the ground. Now, bring the elbows closer to each other, placing them close to your waist.
  • Cross your legs such that your feet cross each other at your middle, and your thighs and knees are placed flat on the floor.
  • Breathe in and lift your chest up such that your head is also lifted, and your crown touches the floor.
  • Make sure the weight of your body is on your elbows and not on your head. As your chest is lifted, lightly pressurize your shoulder blades.
  • Hold the position only until you are comfortable. Breathe normally.
  • Exhale and release the position, lifting your head first, and then dropping your chest to the ground. Untangle your legs and relax.

Benefits of Matsyasana

  • Opens your pectoralis muscles of your chest, the intercostal muscles between your ribs, and upper portion of psoas muscles in your hips.
  • Improves the quality of your breath by opening the accessory muscles of breathing.
  • Opens muscles in your abdomen and in the front of your neck.
  • Relieves thoracic and mid back spinal tension.
  • Strengthens musculature in your back and neck.
  • Traditionally thought to sitmulate organs in the abdomen and throat.


  • It is best to avoid this pose if you suffer from high or low blood pressure.
  • Also, patients with insomnia and migraine are asked to abstain from the Fish Pose.
  • If you have had a back injury, it is strongly recommended that you avoid this asana

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