Friday, July 15, 2016

Gomukhasana(Cow face Pose)

How to do Gomukhasana

  • Sit and stretch both legs together in front, hands by the side, palm resting on the ground, fingers of the hands together.
  • Bending your left leg, bring its heel under the right thigh, close to right hip
  • Bend your right leg over the left knee and let your right heel come close to left hipi Your right knee should be positioned directly above the left knee
  • Place your palms on the feet
  • Press the sitting bones in the floor and point the crown of the head to the ceiling
  • Bend the left elbowo
  • Bring your left forearm behind your back
  • Position the back of the left hand in the middle of your back, close to shoulder bladese The left forearm and the fingers of the left hand should point upward
  • Inhale while extending the right arm over you head
  • Bending the right elbow, keep your right elbow between the shoulder bladese The right palm should face your back and the fingers of the right hand should be pointed downward
  • Clasp the fingers of the left hand with the right hand
  • Pull your shoulders away from each other to experience the stretch in the shoulders and opening up of chest
  • Remain in this pose from 10 seconds upto half minute before releasing the hands to returning to normal position

                        Benefits of Gomukhasana

                        • Stretches your hips, thighs, ankles and chest, shoulders, anterior deltoids, triceps, inner armpits and lats.
                        • Gomukhasana helps induce relaxation. When you feel tired, tense or worried, practicing Gomukhasana will help release the tension.
                        • Gomukhasana stimulates the kidneys.
                        • Gomukhasana is helpful in relieving ailments like diabetes, high blood pressure, and sexual malfunction.
                        • While practicing Gomukhasana the muscles of the lower back, buttocks and the knees are properly stretched so Gomukhasana is beneficial in backache, sciatica and rheumatism.
                        • Pelvic and reproductive organs are toned and massaged by regular practice of Gomukhasana.
                        Modification for Tight Hips or Knees Pain or Lower Back Pain
                        • Sit on height to allow your pelvis to tilt forward, increase the natural curve in your low back, and allow your hips to open.
                        • If you are having difficulty crossing the legs tightly, place the foot of your top leg flat on the floor as in Marichyasana Pose, either in front of the shin, or beside the thigh.
                        • You may also practice the arms alone with the legs in Sukhasana (easy cross legged pose).


                        • Rotator Cuff Injury – Do not take your bottom arm behind your back, or only take your arm within the pain free range of motion.
                        • Knee Injury / Pain – Do not cross the thighs as deeply if it causes pain (follow modifications above).
                        • Low Back Pain / Tension in the Pose – Sit on the edge of a cushion to tilt pelvis forward, or decrease the depth of your arms in the pose (see modifications above).
                        • Neck pain – Avoid raising the top arm overhead, instead take both arms behind the back with elbows bent, grasping the opposite forearm. Walk your hands along the forearm towards the elbow to deepen the pose.

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