Saturday, July 2, 2016


How to do sirsasana

Here are ten simple and easy steps are being enumerated to raise the body into the final pose and how to become mastered for headstand yoga. Once this is achieved then staying in the final pose is little difficulty.

  • Interlock the fingers tightly, palms forming a cup.
  • Place the head on the formed cup so that the crown of the head touches the palms.
  • Raise the knees from the floor by pulling the toes towards the head. Slowly raise your legs upwards from the floor.
  • After the body gets properly balanced in this position, gradually and slowly straighten the legs.
  • Take care that you maintain equilibrium and you don’t fall backwards
  • Make sure that the spine and thighs are in line, straight and vertical.
  • Relax the whole body as much as possible.
  • Close the eyes
  • Breathe slowly and deeply.
  • This is the final pose of sirsasana. Stay in the final pose for a comfortable length of time.  Come back by flexing the knees and sliding them down to the floor in reverse order.

Top benefits of Sirsasana

  • Sirsasana supplies an enriched oxygenated blood to the brain cells thus provide nourishment to the billions of brain cells.
  • It helps to rejuvenate, revitalize and increases the effectiveness of brain cells.
  • It induces calmness thus prevents headache and migraine.
  • It controls various types of glandular and nervous disorders related with pituitary glands.
  • The pose has a significant positive influence in relieving diabetes. It acts directly on the pituitary gland by improving the blood supply thus has been great help in combating diabetes.
  • It is extremely beneficial in combating sexual disorders such as prostrate problems hydrocele, leucorrhea, spermatorrhea, and all general menopausal and menstrual ailments.
  • It acts upon the thyroid gland and helps to balance the metabolic functions.
  • It improves the functions of the sensory organs by ensuring adequate supply of blood to these organs.
  • The conditions like myopia, astigmatism and catarrh and general bad hearing are found to be improved by regular practice of it.
  • It allows an oxygen rich flow of blood to the facial skin thus improves the facial complexion.
  • It is good to prevent hair fall, baldness and greying of hair by supplying enriched blood and nutrients to the scalp region.
  • People suffering from loss of sleep, memory and vitality have recovered by the regular practice of this asana.

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