Friday, July 15, 2016

Sarvangasana(Shoulder stand)

How to do Sarvangasana

  • Lie down in the supine position or lying on your stomach.
  • Raise your legs slowly upward and bring it to 90° angle.
  • Bring the legs towards head by raising the buttocks up.
  • Raise the legs; abdomen and chest try to form a straight line.
  • Place the palms on your back for support.
  • Place the chin against the chest.
  • Maintain the position as long as comfortable.
  • Try to maintain the pose up to 30 seconds or more.
  • Slowly return back to the original position.
  • While doing this, first lower the buttocks with hands supporting the back and slowly come to the surface or in the original position.
  • Perform it twice or thrice.

Benefits of Sarvangasana

1. Improved Digestion. The change in gravity helps the bowels move freely which aids digestion significantly.

2. Less Strain on the Heart. Since you are lying in an inverted position, the heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood to various parts of the body.

3. Stronger Immune System. The lymphatic system is responsible for immune system response among other functions. The lymph is similar to blood in that it depends on gravity for movement. So, by staying inverted, the lymphatic system gets stimulated and boosts your immune system response.

4. Relieves Common Cold. Since you create a firm chinlock when practicing Sarvangasana and the head stays firm in this inverted position, the blood supply to the head gets regulated and this helps relieve nasal congestions and headaches.

5. Increased Self-Confidence. Although I can’t say my self-confidence has gone up just from practicing Sarvangasana alone, practicing it every day is supposed to help you feel alive and confident.

6. Benefits your Nervous System. In Iyengar’s own words, “Due to the soothing effect of the pose on the nerves, those suffering from irritation, shortness of temper, nervous breakdown and insomnia are relieved.”

7. Strengthens your Upper Body. In addition to all the internal benefits for the body from practicing Sarvangasana, the physical benefits includes strengthening of the neck, upper back and shoulders.

Warning :

  • The pregnant ladies can do this asana up to their third month.
  • If you get yawn, sneeze, cough at the time of practicing this asana you must do that after bringing your legs down. Otherwise you will get pain at neck, chest, and ears. While doing this asana don’t swallow saliva.

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