Monday, July 11, 2016

Padmasana( Lotus Pose)

How To Do Padmasana(Lotus Pose)

  • Sit on the carpet stretching the both legs.
  • Then fold the right leg and rest the heel on the left thigh.
  • In the same way fold the left leg and rest the heel on the right thigh close to abdomen.
  • Sit straight (erect) without bending the spine. Palms turned up in “Chin Mudra” with your index finger touching the thumb and place the wrist without bending the elbows straight on knees.
  • Close your eyes and count from 50 to 0. ( i.e. Descending Order)

Benefits of Padmasana

  • This asana is the base  for all asanas and it strengthens the hip and knee joints of the female and can get painless peaceful mind.
  • The unwanted fat will be reduced in hip and the thigh.
  • It stretches the spine.
  • This is the easiest asana which can be done by all the age group of men and women they can get benefits of all asana.
  • Padmasana is the highly preferred asanas by yoga practitioner for increase the focus of mind and concentration.
  • It helps Calms the brain.
  • It increase the hungry
  • Helps to relax the body
  • It stretches the ankles and knees
  • Helps to stimulate the abdomen, spine and bladder

Points to Remember
  • Other yoga poses must be practiced after doing padmasana or lotus pose.
  • Men have to fold their right leg first. Women have to fold their left leg first

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